My dream is to meet each of them again. I wish I could adequately express my gratitude to them and my gratitude for them. I've yet to have children of my own, but if it's even half as wonderful as life with these kids, I'll be more than content. I'll be ecstatic! I learned so much while living at the Casa. I can't really even begin to describe the impact that the entire experience had on me, so I won't really attempt in this last blog. If you want to know more, please just approach me and ask. Ask about any particular kid, ask about the home, ask about Guatemala, ask about anything and I can regale you for hours with stories of excitement, joy, frustration, hopefulness, silliness - you name it!
Now I find myself back in America, which truly is a great country. New circumstances, new understanding and new opportunities abound. I'm excited for life and all that is in store in the future - both for myself and for the Niños de Guatemala. Life is beatiful!
The best book you'll ever eat! This Book of Mormon cake was a reward for the kids for having taken me up on the challenge to try and read their scriptures with dedication.
Never a dull moment! I love these kids so much.